Ken Howard was born in 1932 in London. He studied at the Hornsey School of Art from 1949 to 1953. He served in the Royal Marines as part of National Service for two years, then went back to study at the Royal Collect of Art until 1958. He received a British Council Scholarship to Florence for one year, and first exhibited at the New English Art Club shortly after. That same year he first exhibited at 147 New Bond Street, later exhibiting with the New Grafton Gallery (solo 1990). Howard was elected member of the New English Art Club in 1962, and member of the Royal Institute of Oil Painters in 1966, when he also was awarded a first prize Lord Mayors Art Award. In 1969 he achieved a first prize from the Arundel Art Centre, and was appointed official artist in Ireland by the Imperial War Museum four years later. Towards the end of the 1970s he was a prize winner at the John Moores Exhibition and the John Laing Exhibition, and was elected as a member of the Royal Society of Painters in Watercolours. Throughout the 1980s Howard was elected a member of the Royal West of England Academy, an Associate member of the Royal Academy, an Honorary Member of the Royal Society of British Artists, Royal Institute of Oil Painters and also the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists. He also received a number of awards, including a first prize Hunting Group Award, a prize from the Royal West of England Academy, a Critics Prize from Sparkasse Karlsruhe and a prize from the New English Art Club Centenary Exhibition. In the 1990s Howard became both a Member of the Royal Academy and in 1998 President of the New English Art Club. Since then, he has been awarded the New English Art Club Critics Prize. In 2004 he became a Professor of Perspective at the Royal Academy of Arts, an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Institute of Oil Painters, and Freeman and Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Painter Stainers. Throughout his career his work has been exhibited in London, Plymouth, Folkestone, Hong Kong, Nicosia, Delhi, Gloucestershire, Johannesburg and Cape Town. Public Collections are held in Plymouth, Sheffield, Hove, Ulster and London.