Angie Butler was born and educated in Johannesburg, South Africa. She moved to London in the early 70’s and attained a diploma in sculpture at the City and Guilds of London Art School, soon after, marrying the sculptor James Butler RA. Throughout her career as journalist, author and co-founder of a polar expedition cruising company she has continued to paint and make sculpture.
Her passion for circus began at an early age. Her father ran African Consolidated Theatres which owned Boswell Circus.
The circus started in 1913 in Vrededorp, Johannesburg and survived two wars, expanding from tumbling clowns, dogs, ponies and donkeys to trapeze, lions and elephants. But it was the clown tradition started by two of the four Boswell brothers, Walter and Alf Boswell that she loved the most.
She continued to paint, draw and model clowns and circus performers throughout her time at art school when allowed to break from the rigours of life drawing and life modelling.
Shapes and colours combined with clowns and chameleons, monkeys, chickens, fish and frogs are her inspiration.
She continues to live on a farm in Warwickshire that she and her late husband bought some 40 years ago. They have five daughters.